Tag Archives: rogers



In times of hopelessness & despair there’s a certain need for Dreams.

Not just a Dream 2 Dream but rather a Dream 2 live.

As I’ve always mentioned, living your life like there’s no tomorrow & creating the most of every single situation makes it all worth the while….not matter.

It’s surely best 2 put forth the effort & live with the outcome rather than not try at all.


I was once told that acts of denial, rejection, criticism or simply being told NO has never killed a single soul.

Not one.

Life’s a lesson with each one perfectly placed 2 prepare you for the next starting first with a single Dream.

Yep!…a Dream.

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)



Life is like a crack in the mirror where sometimes it seems 2 never get any better.

Lookiin’ @ your own reflection daily, it’s realized…same old face…& for some reason or another you’re dissatisfied.

Tell me…What are you running from?

You can run & hide where you can’t be found but @ the end of the day, its still just you on the “INSIDE”..

closeuppromoPretendin’ is exactly what you’re doin’ & know it’s nothing short of a lie.

Still once again, it’s just you on the “INSIDE”…
You cant outrun you so why even try?

Accept true self & allow life 2 take you where intended.

You’ll be surprised @ the outcome….


Peace!….with 2 fingers;)



Hmmmp!….another day.
Needed 2 do a bit detoxin’ so been away for a bit…

but then again who really cares. Right? lol.
Been on that constant personal journey with self & once again another testament slaps me straight across the dayum face.



Constructively passin’ the time, decided 2 do a
crisper upgrade @ 2.0 with the whole
“Weddington” thing.

Gotta do something 2 keep my head
outta the dumps.
Ya know?

Knowledge is infinite & you’re never 2 old 2 know.
That’s a tough pill for some 2 swallow
but remains constant and true.


One minute you’re comfortable and easy then…

Something comes along with a
different turn which makes you
want it so much more.

This time it’s gonna take effort & some extra work.
That’s cool cause it’s worth it & is why I’m takin’ it

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)



This is the signature of a place where creativity took root.
Without the wonderful gift of an artist,
beauty of expression will never have it’s place.

The neighborhood of Rogers Park
is where it all began.

theheart promo

There’s so much that can sum up the experience

but find it much better 2 simply live it.….

Dayum I miss that place.


Peace!…with 2 fingers;)

….Learn how 2 climb out of debt & make real money by simply assisting businesses with Facebook & Twitter….




Now matter how you try 2 show others who you truly are,
most refuse 2 understand & continue 2 deny.

People judge as though we’re not unaffected…
but we are….really.


Whatever the case,

there’s nothing left 2 prove so stay true for it’s a problem
not of your own.

In a strange kinda way, leaving a sense of mystery
2 the mix is kinda cool.

Don’tcha think?

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)




Finally got sorta a grip on the newest of situations.
It’s not everyday that you make such huge life changing decisions where what lies ahead is uncertainty.

I have 2 admit that this is pretty exciting though…
Rebuilding from the ground up & starting with a
fresh clean start….again…..lol.


After lookin’ @ everything with wide angled lenses,
I’ve come 2 realize that fear could be your very worst enemy.
Is it fear of rejection?
or maybe just scared?…
Oh that would be fear….


Whatever the case,
it’s certainly worth the risk.

Personally, this past week has been mighty challenging
while facing & conquering fears I never thought I could.
Now that I have, surprisingly I want more cause being
told “no” isn’t as bad as it seems.

It’s similar 2 that “Rocky” character where all seems lost but with a tad bit of courage,
all is well….
Ok, ok…enough of the sappiness.


Been here in P-town
(that’s my little twist for Portland),
for nearly 3 weeks & after a few spins around town, I’ve come 2 realize that this is
certainly an artist hub.

Now mind you, I’ve never really associated Portland as being part of the creative scene –
(but boy was I wrong.)

Guess there’s room for another
brand in town…..
(**clear throat)
…that’ll be us if you’re wondering.

Seems like we’re traveling aimlessly in the twilight zone….
especially since just leaving those
backwoods of Georgia….

Now it ‘s time 2 move forward & look @ all this in a
much different “LIGHT”.
Oh yeah….

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)

click here for more info…




Can you believe it’s been nearly 4 years & countin’ since Lady Tammy & myself joined forces?…

Not that you actually care less or anything but yes….

The many experiences shared along the way have been both fulfilling & challenging as we tackle the “WORLD”.


If you’ve just so happened 2 follow along, you would’ve noticed the moments of joy along with the sadness….Ugghh!!…up & down – up & down.

Despite it all, here we are as we continue 2 stand against the odds with the added hint of wisdom..

Now as each day passes on, we handedly prepare for the unexpected while @ the same time evolving into something much more.

What that is we’re totally unsure but man is it an experience….

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)