Tag Archives: park



In times of hopelessness & despair there’s a certain need for Dreams.

Not just a Dream 2 Dream but rather a Dream 2 live.

As I’ve always mentioned, living your life like there’s no tomorrow & creating the most of every single situation makes it all worth the while….not matter.

It’s surely best 2 put forth the effort & live with the outcome rather than not try at all.


I was once told that acts of denial, rejection, criticism or simply being told NO has never killed a single soul.

Not one.

Life’s a lesson with each one perfectly placed 2 prepare you for the next starting first with a single Dream.

Yep!…a Dream.

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)



Life is like a crack in the mirror where sometimes it seems 2 never get any better.

Lookiin’ @ your own reflection daily, it’s realized…same old face…& for some reason or another you’re dissatisfied.

Tell me…What are you running from?

You can run & hide where you can’t be found but @ the end of the day, its still just you on the “INSIDE”..

closeuppromoPretendin’ is exactly what you’re doin’ & know it’s nothing short of a lie.

Still once again, it’s just you on the “INSIDE”…
You cant outrun you so why even try?

Accept true self & allow life 2 take you where intended.

You’ll be surprised @ the outcome….


Peace!….with 2 fingers;)



The single most significant decision I can make on a daily basis is the choice of Attitude.

It’s more important than the past,
financial status
success or failures
fame or pain,
and position.


Attitude keeps me moving with constant
progress & fuels the fire.

When Attitude is on point, there’s no barrier 2 high,
valley 2 deep
or dream 2 extreme.

“NOW” I know.

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)
