Tag Archives: african



There’s been many social changes since The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s with the struggle for human equality but remains difficult 2 comprehend how another person can ever claim superiority over another.

The audacity.


Fast forward to 2016 where rights remain violated due to the color of a person’s skin, gender & faith.


This is why I see an importance of keeping this particular segment of history alive & brought to the forefront.

With the recent pulse of bold ignorance exhibited by insecure grumpy men young & old, the sacrifices of those before me who laid their lives on the line cannot & will not be dismissed.

Betta. (1955-1965) from The Weddington Adventures. on Vimeo.

Despite the dangers during that period, peaceful demonstration displayed the power of the human spirit & exposed the foul attitudes of those who oppose.

Regardless, heads remain high….


Sprayed with high powered water hoses, beaten with police batons, mauled by dogs, even killed clearly shows the true face of injustice that continues 2 this very day.

So ask yourself, are you part of the solution or part of the problem?

C’mon man!!

Why should we even have to explain such a basic life principle that should be considered common decency?


History has the tendency to repeat itself but is our responsibility 2 prevent such painful events from reoccurring.

So now is the time for all of us 2 do “betta” yall.

Here is the first installment of a series explaining the relevance of that time & what it means 2 be me.

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)


The Soulful Songstress.



Peace!…with 2 fingers;)



What could be done 2 negate the unfair assessment & portrayal of us as black men?….It’s slanderous, slighted & incorrect…..

The real question is WHY?possiblepromo3
Hmmm….(I can think of many reasons.)

Move forward, persevere, believe, have, faith,
dream, be inspired & shatter the grossly
false misconceptions that have the tendency 2
follow us wherever we go.

That’s the very reason why it’s been our
mission 2 share a lil’ somethin’ positive
on the regular in our little corner of the web.

I would like 2 believe that somehow, someway
we’ve been able 2 saturate the nonsense & show
that men do love their boys.

No one other than ourselves could ever change the condition.
It’s our responsibility.

Just keep believing & keep your head up cause anything is POSSIBLE.

That’s right!

Peace!….with 2 fingers;)


Period of Solace.


A Period of Solace.

As the New Year looms before us, in retrospect it’s been an absolute amazing year accomplishing this period of solace.

A period that took me 2 a place unimaginable where time appeared 2 stand still.

Thankfully able 2 find my rightful place & coming 2 the realization of where I don’t belong, it’s time 2 move forward where freedom isn’t just merely a word but an actual existence.

Thanks Georgia for serving your purpose along with the socially awkward experience but with 2 fingers i gotta go!
See you on the other side….


Peace!…with 2 fingers;)



The single most significant decision I could ever make on a daily basis is the choice of Attitude.

It’s more important than the past, education, financial status,
success, failures, fame or pain,
& position.

Attitude keeps me moving with constant progress & fuels the fire.

When Attitude is on point, there’s no barrier 2 high, valley 2 deep
or dream 2 extreme.

“NOW” I know….Yep!

Peace!…with 2 fingers;)